Friday, 16 November 2012

A Sweet Short Dream!^!

Im back  today! Its such a bad day today for me! I cant find my pone charger n my phone is dying n there's no gud news from movellas or! But the moon tonite is beautiful just like u said Lizzy..

Today I had a dream! A sweet nice dream.. It was like we Mizzy Aliena are at our bakery n its almost midnite.. We're cleaning the bakery before we close it n all the workers have gone home.. It was Snowing outside n forget to mention it was in London!^! As we're almost done to go home suddenly someone knock the door. As I open the door I saw.....
I saw....ONE DIRECTION !!! N suddenly the wind was blowing n I heard the song 'They dont know bout us'playing in my mind n suddenly....
I heard my mom calin me n I woke up :(  
I tried to sleep back to continue the dream but its not coming back..I hope tonight Il have that dream again!^!
G2go now.. Cya tmorow.. Gudnite world!^!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Catching A Big Dream!^!

Its been a long time since I ever post something here.. Its been busy weeks but I cant be more excited as i have finished my PMR!^! So now its time to focus on my novel.. I've been working hard with my friends this holiday and we've been tryin to publish our first novel soo hard n we still cant do it.. But I guess sooner or later we'll achieve our dreams..Its just matter of time!^!

This holiday is boring but the days with my bestfriends Mizzy Aliena r just amazayn!^! We went to Langkawi on a school trip for 3 days n its the best vacation I've ever went! We had lots of fun n did lots of crazy things no one can ever imagine!^! I was just hoping that moment will never end but time waits for no men..

Now all im concern about is my book.. All I want is to be a popular well-known novelist with my friends and date with 'our pop star crush' N no one can stop us from achieving our dreams!^! For all the readers here especially Directioners you've got to read this,follow if u like it n help us achieve our dream!

or this

Hope u guys like it.. We're still working on some mesmerizing chapters of the story n hopefully it will be done before the school starts!^!
Its midnite now n I guess thats all I wanna say for today.. I hope il spend more time here next time with lots of story await!^! cya soon!^!