Saturday, 22 December 2012

Crazy Munchy Funky Week!!!!

Wooh!! Im back!! N I'm soooo happy!!! heeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Can't stop smiling! Thanks to God and my lovely parents, I got 8A's and honestly I can't hide my feelings anymore!! Woooh!!
My dad is being really great to me now and always! Well I get everything I want!! Feeling Awesome!^!

Today was a great day hanging out with my bestfriend Liz!! N at last I got to eat Big Apple Donuts plus a prosperity and  some kfc nuggets n fries! That's why I can't sleep right now!Btw I saw one direction new album take me home at the cd shop with Liz and its seriously damn expensive! I would've buy it IF I was a millionair or if I have that much of extra pocket money.. Surely some day I'l' have the album..I hope soo..
Now ONE of my FOUR Dreams have just came true! N I can't wait for the other dreams to come true!! Just now I've managed to make Liz call the publishing company n he said "pls call back this monday cause today is a holiday" So Liz said she's gonna call that man this Mon n I really really hope everything goes well!
So overall this week has been great.. Starting with the result and the amazing day..I can say this is a crazy,munchy, funky week!!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Chocolate Strawberry Milkshake Feeling!^!

I have to write something today cause I'm not sure if I'm gonna write tmorow.. Well time is going really fast and I still can't believe the results are gonna be out tmorow! There's still lots of things I wanna do before the results but the time is just not enough. Maybe I shuld go to Narnia for a while..

I seriously have no idea on writing anything today cause all I can think about is tomorrow. Everyone in facebook keep posting bout how nervous they feel bout tomorrow n I'm just like "the result's coming out tomorrow..ooowww"

I can't describe how I feel so I just call this strange feeling as Chocolate Strawberry Milkshake Feeling!^!

 (I think the name is really cool n I'm proud of it)
 But I know  tomorrow is gonna be a big day with lots of tears of happiness and sadness and I'm gonna be there!! I'm really sure I can't sleep tonight and I'm gonna freak out tomorrow. Well I believe every form 3 students are gonna feel the same. I just hope me and my friends will be happy tomorrow.. May every students wish come true!^!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Winter In London

The writing is over. At last the first book is officially done and ready to be published! I really can't wait anymore cause this waiting thing is seriously killing me..

Now that I have nothing to write anymore, im feelin bored back again n the results thing is really trying to spoil my mood.. Since my friend asked bout it this evening i cant stop myself thinking bout it..  Im soo scared facing the results.. I dont want this to ruin my life.. I hope I have my friends together with me.. but at times I'm not sure that my besrfriends will face the same results as I do which I dont know yet.. I wish n I always pray that our results will be same no matter wat it is going to be.. I really cant face this alone..

Ok I need to forget bout it right now.. So I guess I'l just focus on my dreams..  My big big dreams like

This dream I have with my friends can be stupid or too big for some people but for me this is what I want n I'm gonna try my best to achieve it.. Oh well I forgot one more that is to get good results...
Right now I only wanna think bout London n the snow right now.. I hope my dreams will come true some day..
Its like midnite now n Im gonna go to bed n hopefully dream of Winter In London!^!

Friday, 16 November 2012

A Sweet Short Dream!^!

Im back  today! Its such a bad day today for me! I cant find my pone charger n my phone is dying n there's no gud news from movellas or! But the moon tonite is beautiful just like u said Lizzy..

Today I had a dream! A sweet nice dream.. It was like we Mizzy Aliena are at our bakery n its almost midnite.. We're cleaning the bakery before we close it n all the workers have gone home.. It was Snowing outside n forget to mention it was in London!^! As we're almost done to go home suddenly someone knock the door. As I open the door I saw.....
I saw....ONE DIRECTION !!! N suddenly the wind was blowing n I heard the song 'They dont know bout us'playing in my mind n suddenly....
I heard my mom calin me n I woke up :(  
I tried to sleep back to continue the dream but its not coming back..I hope tonight Il have that dream again!^!
G2go now.. Cya tmorow.. Gudnite world!^!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Catching A Big Dream!^!

Its been a long time since I ever post something here.. Its been busy weeks but I cant be more excited as i have finished my PMR!^! So now its time to focus on my novel.. I've been working hard with my friends this holiday and we've been tryin to publish our first novel soo hard n we still cant do it.. But I guess sooner or later we'll achieve our dreams..Its just matter of time!^!

This holiday is boring but the days with my bestfriends Mizzy Aliena r just amazayn!^! We went to Langkawi on a school trip for 3 days n its the best vacation I've ever went! We had lots of fun n did lots of crazy things no one can ever imagine!^! I was just hoping that moment will never end but time waits for no men..

Now all im concern about is my book.. All I want is to be a popular well-known novelist with my friends and date with 'our pop star crush' N no one can stop us from achieving our dreams!^! For all the readers here especially Directioners you've got to read this,follow if u like it n help us achieve our dream!

or this

Hope u guys like it.. We're still working on some mesmerizing chapters of the story n hopefully it will be done before the school starts!^!
Its midnite now n I guess thats all I wanna say for today.. I hope il spend more time here next time with lots of story await!^! cya soon!^!  

Friday, 18 May 2012

1 direction FeVeR..

Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
Once I lOVE YOU,
I'll never forget you...

now I'm addicted with 1Direction.. 
YEAY..exam is over..
I mean just the mid term exam.

Today  its  been a nice day.. Enjoying myself being a kid again..
I can't believe 2day i Played see-saw with my friend..
Its soo exciting  especially when we're talking bout 1D..
oouuhh...How I hope all this excitimg moments will never go away..

These days I've  been dreaming  alot of things with 1D..
yOU just got that One thing and Thats what makes u beautiful..
Hope one day we'll meet each other*especially Zayn* in Mizzy Aliena World<3..

Saturday, 21 January 2012

~TiRiNg JaNuArY~

  Lpas hampir 3 mnggu x on fb ngan blog, jari jemari nie dah jdi mlas nak tkan suis on computer pas2 kna soal siasat ngan mak plak.. "nie on fb nie keje skolah dah siap??jemuran 2 dah ambik?? omework 2 syen dah siap??" dan bertalu-talu soalan lgi dtanya.. dah mcam wat ksalahan bsar pulak..
   skolah taun nie jujur x sebest cam taun-taun lalu.. smue kwan2 asyik pulun blajar habis-habisan.. rse cam tkot sngat2 kalo ktinggalan walaupown dah bnyak blajar.. kwan2 dlu dah x rpat sngat sbab smue dah x sme kelas n smue busy ngan studies..kwan2 bru dri kelas lain smue baik2 xpi msih keseronokkan bersame kwan2 lme xde bandingan..   nsib baek msih ade A FEW kwan lme yg sme kelas!! Lpas nie mmang susah nak on fb atau blog.. arie nie on pown sbab mak bgi full-holiday arie nie sbab cuti seminggu laa kan.. walau ape pown arap smue yg mmbace mndoakan sye dapt score pmr taun nie n  hilang prasaan "xde mood nak wat ape pown" sbab seriously arie nie n 2`3 minggu nie mmang bosan sngat x cam 4rm 2 dulu.. arap Happiness and joy will appear 2 me soon..
    Nie ade satu hal lgi(kpade org2 yg trtentu) kalo kite cube avoid myself from u tlong jgan trase sngat sbab ape yg kite wat ade sbab yg tersendiri.. N as fren "cinte mnyet" at this time is seriously a waste of time!!..
2 all my chinese friend Sim, Kailee n others wising u all great Chinese New Year!!..

Monday, 2 January 2012

SkOlAh dAh NaK mULa !!!

TaUN BARU dah msukdah.. sekolah pown dah nak mule.. lepasnie dah
xkeh bngun pkul 2 an 3 ptang dah.. haih esok kne gi skolh.. nak gi bli bku ngan atur klas smue 2.. taun nie kne 2kar klas KOWT.. sedihlaa..pas2 mse nie jgaklaa wbak2 selsema dan batuk nak dtng.. kat umah 2 abis smue tisu .. tiap2 ari papa kne bli yg bru..hehe..
   EsOk cam nelaa nak gi skolah.. xkan nak pkai mask kowt.. ataupon smbat tisu dlam hdung.. hmmm xboleh2.. ubat2 dktor nie kan apesal x brkesan ha??? dahlaa ubat pil susah nak telan.. arap2 esok smue virus nie akan brkurangan..
  Esok kan agaknye diorang ubah klas x Zafirah?? wlau ape pown arap G2h akan kekal 4ever.. nak gi tngok 'slumdog millionair"nie.. sblum 2 kne mkan ubat dlu.. k byeee~!

                                                             nie ubat batuk..
      nie plak ubat selsema yang mnyusahkan!!